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Bagrati Monastery in Kutaisi, Georgia, with a blue sky and tree branches in the foreground.

Churches in Georgia

Georgia is the second most Christianized country in the world, with an abundance of churches set in some of the world’s most beautiful locations.

Mountain images in Georgia

Europe’s highest mountains are located in the Caucasus (Mount Elbrous), as are Europe’s highest inhabited villages (Mestia and Ushguli), so you’re bound to find all the mountain scenery you can imagine on your trip to Georgia!

Georgian cities

Georgia’s cities, like its countryside, are quite varied. From Sighnaghi in the east, a town surrounded by miles of ramparts overlooking the Alasani valley, with the mountains of the High Caucasus as a backdrop. And Mestia and Ushguli, Europe’s highest inhabited towns, with their typical Georgian stone tower-houses. You can then move on to the […]

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